Sunday 12 August 2012

My first teddy

As I said last week, I've been away, and I took my "Let's get crafting! Knit and Crochet" magazine with me. It came with 6 balls of wool, a crochet hook and a set of knitting needles and on the front was a picture of a gorgeous teddy bear. I was challenged by my brother's girlfriend to make the teddy bear and have it finished when I got back today.
I broke my needle in the car on the way home earlier but I did manage to finish the bear when I got home. Now I'm going to treat you to the pictures of every stage of his "birth".
At the end of day one he had part of a head
 At the end of day two I was part way through his body
 and his head was completed
 This was his bottom...
 At the end of day three he had a completed head, body and arm
 neck end of the body
 His little shaped shoulder
 At the end of day four his arm and body were stuffed and he had another arm and a leg
 And I'd started the next foot

 At the end of day five I'd stitched most of his limbs together, and finished the second leg

 And this morning (day six) I made his ears and muzzle, stuffed and stitched everything, and embroidered his eyes, nose and mouth
Ta Dah!
Less crafting this week after all that though as I start work at 9am tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. kayleigh, your Ted is GORGEOUS!!!!! I love him. I have a feeling he will be sticking around for a looooon time :) Thanks for entering him into the challenge - I will post a blog about him when I have another submission (i think i may have overdone it last time!!!)
